Max Heap
How Max Heap Works
A Max Heap is a complete binary tree where the parent node is always larger than or equal to its children. The root of the tree is always the maximum element in the heap.
Key operations:
- Insert: O(log n) - Add an element to the end and bubble up
- Extract Max: O(log n) - Remove the root, replace with last element, and bubble down
- Peek Max: O(1) - Return the root element without removing it
Max Heaps are commonly used in heap sort, finding the k largest elements, and in certain priority queue applications where the highest priority element needs to be processed first.
class MaxHeap:
function insert(value):
heapifyUp(heap.length - 1)
function extractMax():
if heap is empty:
return null
max = heap[0]
lastElement = heap.pop()
if heap is not empty:
heap[0] = lastElement
return max
function heapifyUp(index):
while index > 0 and heap[parent(index)] < heap[index]:
swap heap[parent(index)] and heap[index]
index = parent(index)
function heapifyDown(index):
maxIndex = index
left = leftChild(index)
right = rightChild(index)
if left < heap.length and heap[left] > heap[maxIndex]:
maxIndex = left
if right < heap.length and heap[right] > heap[maxIndex]:
maxIndex = right
if maxIndex != index:
swap heap[index] and heap[maxIndex]
function parent(i): return (i - 1) / 2
function leftChild(i): return 2 * i + 1
function rightChild(i): return 2 * i + 2